You’d think that searching to solve a problem would be second nature to me by now.  And yet, I didn’t do a search last week that I really should have done.  Last Monday the front passenger window on my car went down, and got st…

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One of my goals in writing this blog… … is to develop some skills that are useful in general.  You know, real skills for real problems.  In medicine, new treatments and therapies come to market every so often, and many peop…

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A list of items is a useful thing to have. When you’re learning something new, having a list of examples of that thing gives you something to learn from.  It’s a natural way to try and get your mind around a given topic.  We do this all …

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My goal was simple…  … I just wanted a movie that’s a scan of the flight path.    Why?  Because as I was looking out the window, I saw beautiful things, extraordinary things, and I wanted to be able to stop the plane a…

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I hate to do this to you… … because the answer to last week’s Challenge is fun..  but I’m doing a tour of upstate New York this week.  I’m teaching at Cornell today and the University of Rochester tomorrow.  “Far above Cayu…

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Estimation is an art… … that deserves practice.  And by practice, I mean that you very deliberately look at your mistakes and learn from them.  In an earlier post about Fermi Estimation, I showed how I estimated Enrico Fermi’s h…

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