Dr. Linda Aldoory is a Professor in the Department of Communication and is Associate Dean for Research & Programming in the College of Arts and Humanities.. Her research focuses on health communication, especially public health campaigns and message design and their effects on underserved health populations. arhu.umd.edu/directory/linda-aldoory

Dr. Kathryn (Kay) M. Bartol is the Robert H. Smith Professor of Management and Organization and Co-Director of the Center for Leadership, Innovation and Change at the Robert H. Smith School of Business, University of Maryland, College Park. She is Past President of the Academy of Management, has published numerous articles in major journals, and is Fellow of several prestigious academic societies. Her research focuses on leadership, knowledge sharing, networks and influence, virtual teams and virtual work relationships, and information technology and organizations. www.rhsmith.umd.edu/directory/kathryn-m-bartol

John Carlo Bertot is Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs and also Professor and Co-Director of the Information Policy & Access Center in the College of Information at the University of Maryland College Park. His research focuses on the intersection of information policy, information access equity, and technology. terconnect.umd.edu/~jbertot

Kaylani Chadha is an Associate Professor at the Philip Merrill College of Journalism. As a teacher and researcher, she has focused on analyzing trends in international communication as well as television programming and its impact on society. She is the director of the interdisciplinary Media, Self and Society program in the College Park Scholars academic residential community for select freshmen and sophomores. merrill.umd.edu/about-merrill/staff-faculty/kalyani-chadha/

Victoria Chanse is an Associate Professor in Landscape Architecture within the College of Agriculture and Natural Sciences. Her research and teaching focus on the intersection between community, ecology, and place. She has both research and professional experience in civic participatory engagement dealing with watershed design and planning in urbanizing environments. https://www.arch.umd.edu/phd/faculty/victoria-chanse

Helene Kalson Cohen is the Executive Director of the Office of Innovation and Partnerships in the College of Education, with a doctorate from Harvard University in Administration, Planning and Social Policy. Her work focuses on organizational leadership, educational entrepreneurship, and the integration of technology to meet instructional and community building goals. https://education.umd.edu/directory/helene-cohen

Bryan Eichhorn is a Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry and an Affiliate Professor in Materials Science and Engineering. He is on the advisory boards of the Maryland Nanocenter and the University of Maryland Energy Research Center. His research focuses on materials chemistry and energy science. He also coordinates efforts on campus to promote collaborations with the Library of Congress, the National Archives, and the Smithsonian Institution for advanced scientific research on the conservation of historical documents, artifacts, and works of art. www.chem.umd.edu/bryan-eichhorn

Hasan Elahi is Associate Professor in the Department of Art and former Director of Digital Cultures and Creativity Program in the Honors College. He is an interdisciplinary artist whose work examines issues of surveillance, citizenship, migration, and transport. www.art.umd.edu/faculty/helahi

Carol Espy-Wilson is a Professor in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department and the Institute for Systems Research at the University of Maryland. She directs the Speech Communication Lab where research focuses on the integration of engineering, linguistics and speech acoustics to study speech communication including speech production, speech recognition, speaker recognition, speech enhancement, and language and genre detection in audio and forensics. www.ece.umd.edu/faculty/espy-wilson

Christopher Foreman is a Professor and director of the social policy program in the School of Public Policy. He teaches courses on political institutions and the politics of inequality. His books and research interests deal with the politics of health, race, regulation, and government reform. spp.umd.edu/our-community/faculty-staff/christopher-h-foreman-jr

Jennifer Golbeck is a professor in the College of Information, director of the Social Intelligence Lab, and affiliate faculty in the College of Journalism and the Department of Computer Science. She is an expert in social networks, social media, privacy, and security on the web, and is the author of Analyzing the Social Web. http://www.cs.umd.edu/~golbeck/

Sahar Khamis is an Associate Professor in the Department of Communication at the University of Maryland. She is an expert on Arab and Muslim media and the former Head of the Mass Communication Department in Qatar University. Dr. Khamis holds a Ph.D. in Mass Media and Cultural Studies from the University of Manchester in England. She is co-author of the books: “Islam Dot Com: Contemporary Islamic Discourses in Cyberspace”(Palgrave Macmillan, 2009) and “Egyptian Revolution 2.0: Political Blogging, Civic Engagement and Citizen Journalism” (Palgrave Macmillan, 2013). www.comm.umd.edu/people/faculty/khamis

Linda Mabbs is a Distinguished Scholar/ Teacher and Professor of Music. She has performed with many of the worlds leading orchestras specializing in the symphonic writing of Mahler and Strauss and is recognized for her interpretation of American and British song literature. Her current research, in cooperation with the School of Public Health, focuses on temporal mandibular joint disorders and their possible relationship to classical singing technique. She was awarded the 2014 Kirwan Faculty and Research Scholarship Prize, is the recipient of the 2011 Landmark Award for International Service to the University, and has served as Chair of the University Senate. https://music.umd.edu/directory/linda-mabbs

Erica Bondarev Rapach is Associate Executive Director, Strategic Initiatives for The Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center at the University of Maryland, where she is responsible for creating and implementing programs that build and strengthen the partnerships within The Clarice and between The Clarice, the campus and the creative radius community. She has held that position since August of 2014 and was previously Director of Marketing & Communications at The Clarice, a position she held since 2009. theclarice.umd.edu/bio/erica-bondarev-rapach

Stella M. Rouse is an Associate Professor in the Department of Government and Politics, Director of the Center for Democracy and Civic Engagement, and Associate Director of the University of Maryland Critical Issues Poll at the University of Maryland. Dr. Rouse’s research and teaching interests focus on Latino politics, minority and identity politics, legislative and political behavior, institutions, state politics, immigration and Millennial politics. stellarouse.com

Maggie Saponaro is Director of Collection Development Strategies at the University Libraries, University of Maryland, and was previously Librarian for Journalism and Hearing and Speech Sciences. She holds an MLS from UCLA, with post-graduate work in the areas of personnel programs and public administration. Her research interests are in the areas of collection management, instruction, and emerging technologies in libraries. https://www.lib.umd.edu/directory/staff/msaponar

Neil J. Sehgal is an Assistant Professor of Health Services Administration at the University of Maryland School of Public Health. His research focuses on healthcare outcomes, the delivery system, and health information technology. He teaches courses in healthcare management and organizational behavior in the MHA program in health services administration and in healthcare information systems in the MS in information systems program in the Robert H. Smith School of Business. sph.umd.edu/people/neil-jay-sehgal

David B. Sicilia is Henry Kaufman Associate Professor of Financial History. His research and teaching center on business, economic, and technology history, with a special emphasis on the history of capitalism and finance. He divides his teaching between the Department of History and the Robert H. Smith School of Business. He is co-author or co-editor of six books on business, economic, and political history, and is currently writing a history of finance in America. Consulted frequently by local, national, and international print and broadcast media, Professor Sicilia has appeared on CNBC, CNN Financial News, Bloomberg Financial Television, National Public Radio, DR-1 Danish Public Television, and NHK Television Japan. history.umd.edu/directory/david-sicilia

Jeff Snider is the Director of Operations for the Division of Research. He has over fifteen years of experience as an administrator at the University of Maryland, including eleven years within academic departments prior to his central position. His experience includes budget management, personnel, procurement, travel, facilities, and sponsored research from proposal development and submission to post award management and close out. His office supports the Office of the Vice President for Research, Office of Research Administration, Sponsored Programs Accounting & Compliance, Office of Technology Commercialization, Institutional Review Board, Department of Laboratory Animal Resources, Export Control, Institute for Governmental Services & Research, Small Business Development Center, Center for the Advanced Study of Language, and the Future of Information Alliance. He has a B.A. in English Literature and Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing. www.research.umd.edu/about/staff/jeff-snider

Monifa Vaughn-Cooke is an Assistant Professor in the Mechanical Engineering department. Dr. Vaughn-Cooke’s interdisciplinary research synthesizes sociology, psychology, systems engineering and risk assessment. Her research aims to identify the behavioral mechanisms associated with system risk propagation to inform the design of user-centric products and systems, with the ultimate goal of improving productivity and safety. www.enme.umd.edu/faculty/vaughn-cooke