The odd and unusual are fun to search for!  As we noticed last week, there are lots of fascinating sporting (if you use that term loosely) events in the world, many of which deserve a bit of background research.  I love th…

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There are plenty of amazing sports… … many of which strike me as pretty unusual.  There’s the annual wife-carrying competition (multiple locations), an international “worm charming” championship in Chesire (UK), and the locally well-…

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The trumpet shall sound! This week’s Challenge was a fun one, and tests your ability to sleuth out the backstory. I was walking down the street when I heard an odd trumpet tune being played.  It was a surprising tune–not quite a melody,…

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Where was I?    This week’s Challenge is another in our series of “What’s the story?”  This week’s Challenge wasn’t difficult in the ordinary sense. (I figure that you’ll be able to search out the place and name of the things.)…

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So…. I’m about to head over to Scotland for a conference all of next week, but SRS will continue unabated!  (Assuming I can get a bit of wifi in a coffee shop somewhere.)  I’m looking forward to a Celtic-inspiration for SRS! &nbsp…

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 Visually, the world is full of unknowns…And this week we took on the Challenge of figuring out how to identify logos.  Recently, SRS Regular Reader Jacob sent me this wonderful holiday card he received that was made up entirely of log…

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