Masses of animals fascinate… Birds, bugs, mammals–when they all get together in vast quantities, they amaze us. This week we want to search out two particular kinds of swarming animals to get a sense for how many of them move en masse together, an…

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Travel is an endless source of SearchResearch… While in DC I found this fountain that seemed so out-of-place and unlike other fountains that I had to wonder what the backstory was. As you can see below (look at the very plain fountain two pictures d…

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Simple really is best. The key getting really good at searching is to keep a very open mind about what works–because what works best will change over time. And sometimes, the simplest approach often works. Let’s take a look at how I searched for the…

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Every so often… … one gets reminded of what they don’t remember. In this week’s case, Regular Reader Fred Delventhal left a really nice comment on yesterday’s post. He wrote (minor edits are mine): Youtube filtering allows you to limit your searc…

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How do you get immersed, if you can’t find what you want to be immersed in?There are lots of “immersive” videos out there. Here’s a nice example from David Hsieh: ( ) And we know about the NYTimes VR stori…

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So… what’s the story here? Why did all of the NASA missions land on the side facing the Earth? It struck me the other day: ALL of the NASA landings on the Moon were all on the side of the Moon facing towards the earth. Why did they neglect the other…

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