There’s simple.. and then there’s simple… The FIRST version of this week’s SRS Challenge was a bit too simple. Finding shade at Yankee Stadium (along with several other stadiums) is pretty easy: lots of fans have written up guides to sun and shade…

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Odd stories: How can you verify / follow-up? That’s really the question this week–when someone tells you something odd, how can you (quickly) follow-up and check out the veracity (“truthiness”) of their claim? Here are the slightly whacky claims …

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Geolocating Tweets… People tweet about darn near everything. That’s handy for you, if you’re a SearchResearcher. I figured out that my friend’s house was NOT on fire with geolocated tweets. This week’s Challenges: 1. When the Google I/O event ha…

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This is a common problem. In fact, we’ve talked about the problem of mis-remembered names of books and songs before. The problem is that our human memories are chock full of errors. Even memories that seem absolutely true and correct can be really,…

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Fun time! Last week I posted my personal SearchResearch Challenges from the past week as the Challenge for you. As I mentioned, these have fairly simple answers… but as usual, there’s more depth here than you might have expected. 1. What’s a plac…

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Many thanks to Remmij…… who in a comment earlier this week correctly pointed out that GeoGebras ARE embeddable in regular web pages. The links Remmij gave in the comments to Wednesday’s post were exactly what we need to let us embed a GeoGebra int…

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