We see strange / odd / interesting things every day… … but often we don’t think to ask “Hey.. what is that thing?” And it’s corresponding Challenge: “How can I find out about this??” One of my secret missions with SRS is to help all of us deve…

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The AGoogleADay.com test-your-search-skills site is back up. (It’s been down for a bit over the summer.) Check it out! This is a great way to practice and improve your online research skills. (And it’s especially handy for information literacy an…

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Not long ago we had cenotes on the mind… … and over this past weekend, I spent a lovely Saturday afternoon reading about the geology and hydrogeology of the Yucatán peninsula. In the process, I came across this completely amazing photo that…

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People working together… … can sometimes discover amazing things. This is true in news reporting (think of the Spotlight investigative team at the Boston Globe, or the Watergate scandal investigative team at the Washington Post–reporters Bob Wood…

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The Yucatán! Foreword: Once again, a simple sounding SRS Challenge ended up taking me a LONG time to work through. I’ll explain why it took so long below. But see the tomorrow’s post for what this means…The cenotes of the Yucatán ar…

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Before I write up the answer about the Yucatán…. I want to tell you about something fascinating I heard over the weekend. RadioLab is one of the best podcasts going. It covers a broad range of topics in science, education, environment, health…

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Milk…… is an incredibly complex fluid that’s produced by the mammary glands of mammals shortly after pregnancy. It’s an emulsion of butterfat globules in a water-based fluid filled with dissolved carbohydrates, protein aggregates, and minerals. Mi…

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