The Future of Information Alliance operated this program from 2012-2015. To learn more about the new Innovation Spark Grant Competition, go here.
When can a problem become an opportunity? When you become part of a new Seed Grant competition from the Future of Information Alliance. Each winning project will combine an information-related challenge, an energetic team of students, a faculty mentor, and an engaged outside collaborator, such as the Smithsonian, the Library of Congress, or the National Geographic Society.
With generous support from the Robert W. Deutsch Foundation, up to four teams of students and their faculty mentors are chosen to receive up to $25,000 per team to carry out a project during the spring semester.
The FIA Seed Grant Competition is designed to encourage teams of students to engage in research projects that lead the way to innovative solutions for key information-related challenges.
Multi-college student teams (undergraduate through graduate levels) of up to 5 members + a faculty mentor + outside partner(s)
- Meet thought leaders from renowned organizations.
- Be part of a collaborative research experience.
- Up to four student teams will win grants of up to $25,000.
- Winning teams will be designated FIA-Deutsch Student Fellows and faculty will be FIA-Deutsch Faculty Fellows.
Materials from the 2014-2015 competition:
Handout »
The projects are expected to result in innovative solutions to challenges that are faced in a rapidly evolving information landscape. The outcomes can be novel concepts or prototypes or research findings that could lead to practical applications and adoption and have the potential to change lives. The Alliance seeks to facilitate a future in which information in all its forms can be an effective resource for everyone.
Each winning team can have up to five students and they must come from two or more colleges at the University of Maryland, College Park (UMD). Winning team members become FIA-Deutsch Student Fellows and each receive a $3,000 stipend. Faculty mentors become FIA-Deutsch Faculty Fellows. The faculty mentor stipend is $7,000 per team and must be split if there are multiple faculty mentors. In addition, each team is allowed up to $3,000 for expenses. FIA will help students connect with each other, faculty mentors and the 10 FIA partners: the Library of Congress, the National Archives, the National Geographic Society, the Newseum, Sesame Workshop, the Smithsonian Institution, the U.S. National Park Service, the Barrie School, NPR-affiliate station WAMU 88.5, and the Office of the Governor of Maryland.