As I said a couple of weeks ago… … I don’t often recommend videos, but this new video from Google Search Marketing is wonderfully uplifting, and we could all do with a little uplift these days.  I enjoyed it, and I thought you might …

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Let’s go deep.  As discussed, I have NO IDEA what animals might live deep in the earth. But… Anyone down there? Does anything live down there?  How far down in the earth does life extend?  You can see where this is …

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I bet you’re a skilled online searcher… ….if you’re reading this, you might even be an expert at online search. Note:  This post originally appeared in the blog, Connected Learning.  But improving your search skills is one …

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I first noticed the river’s end because it didn’t make any sense to me…  When I went on my run, I got to that point at the river’s edge and noticed that it just sort of… stopped!  That’s the part that didn’t look right to me.  H…

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I don’t normally blog about new YouTube videos, but when I do, there’s a reason. After showing the long-lived and beloved Matt Cutts video “How Search Works,” Google has finally released a few version of that brilliant explanatory video. So, this her…

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Questions come from everywhere… … in this case, I was just staring out the window and wondering “how did all of this landscape come to be?”   As I said, when I looked into the Sierra foothills  just northeast of San Francisco, i…

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Palm trees are wonderful, but very strange… As you might suspect, they’re not ordinary trees, but something very, very different.  They’re generally super-tall, able to remain standing in hurricane force winds.  If you cut on…

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