You’d think this is easy.. . But in fact, answering a simple question like “What are those light patches on the ground?” turns out to open up a huge can of worms.  I spent waaaay too long on this (but had a lot of fun in the process). &n…

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As you probably noticed… … I’ve been traveling a bit–hence the slightly erratic SRS posts over the past month. This will probably continue for a bit more time as I keep moving around the planet.    Taveuni, FijiBoth the sp…

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How many and how people die,.. it’s complicated.  More to the point, just figuring out which data sources you can trust for this kind of information is trickier than I would have thought.  I asked you about your intuitions, and befo…

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As you probably noticed… … I’m slow in answering the last Challenge.  This time, I’m not in Fiji (alas), but I’m flying all around the east coast of the US.  I left the Googleplex last Thursday, and will be in motion for 15 days, giv…

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A couple of weeks ago… I posted a few fishy pictures with the cryptic question “Have any ideas where these are, or where I am?” The SearchResearchers rose to the Challenge and were able to identify my location pretty well!  Regular Rea…

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Hi Regular Readers! As mentioned, I’m in a fairly remote place in the South Pacific, where the weather is warm, the scuba diving is magnificent, and the wifi is extraordinarily flakey. Since it’s so tough to do any online research for this week’s SRS…

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