This turned out to be simpler than I expected… The Challenge this week was to find a lake somewhere in the world that had turned deadly. How deadly? And how was it deadly? We were looking for a non-poisonous, non-boiling lake… That is, NOT lik…

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There’s always been a gap between …those who know how to use information resources and those who don’t. Students who knew the ways to leverage a library for research could consistently do better research than those who couldn’t. That’s not a …

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TILT: Things I Learned TodayOne of the true pleasures of life in the Age of the Internet is our historically unparalled ability to notice something interesting out there, and then using your SearchResearch skills to figure what’s the backstory to this …

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TILT: Things I Learned TodaySince I’m a curious guy, I often write down things that I notice during the day. Usually, at the end of the day I spend a few minutes to look these things up and write them down in my notes as TILT, Things I Learned Today.T…

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Surprise! Although I thought that this week’s Challenge would be difficult, it turned out to be fairly simple and straightforward. Here’s what I did (obviously only AFTER I wrote the Challenge)… 1. Over the past 150 years there have been a huge num…

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Traveling is an endless source of questions… This week brought the “who’s on the teapot?” question (as seen on a teapot from my host’s home) and a more commonplace question–“what kind of trees are those?” As it turned out, the man on the teapot too…

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That was simpler than most… It’s sometimes hard to predict how hard a Search Challenge will be, but you loyal and skilled SearchResearchers made short work of this! The Challenge began with me scanning around on Google Maps over Greenland one day an…

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Finding the background about remote places can be tricky… … yet, it’s something we often want to know. There are often places that are intriguing, but that have no handy signposts to tell you what’s going on. What do you do when you want to find …

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