An interesting question we should always ask ourselves… Precision targeting for SearchResearch. P/C by Mikhail Nilov (Pexels link)If you’ve got a new tool (LLMs, for example), as a skilled researcher, you want to find new ways to use that tool.&…

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 Listening to a book on the road… P/C Tomas Anunziata on … is a very different experience than reading the text as printed on paper, and different yet again than reading it on a screen. I recently listened t…

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 Did they? A scene from 18th century Rome by Giovanni Battista Piranesi. Veduta della Piazza di Monte Cavallo (View of the Piazza del Quirinale with the Statues of Horse Tamers in side view), from Prianesi’s Vedute di Roma…

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 It’s May… P/C Dan, from a lovely trip to Norway…. and it has been a very full few months since the start of the year.  I’m feeling in dire need of taking a little bit of a break, so I’m temporarily going on a hiatus to do a lit…

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 For all their apparent competence, P/C Dalle-D.  Prompt: computational oracles answering questions  rendered as an expressive oil painting set on a sweeping landscape… when you get down to asking specific, verifiable questions ab…

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