Language is important… … although sometimes you’ll hear people say dismissively “it’s just word” or “it’s all just semantics,” they’re missing the point. Words, and the specific meanings of words, really DO matter. One of the interesting phenomen…

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Sometimes SearchResearch Challenges are tough.. … then there are the ones that are delightfully straightforward, yet surprising. This week’s in in that category. Let’s take on each of the Challenges one at a time: 1. I found out, much to my sur…

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Maybe you’re wondering why this week’s post is so abysmally late…It probably won’t surprise you to find out that I’m traveling again. In fact, this is day 5 of a two week stretch of teaching and lecturing. I’m here, there, and everywhere giving cla…

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This is a big question… And this caused me to do a lot of research over the past week. I did SO much that I’m a bit late in posting my answer. I’ll talk about this later in this post, but I wanted to let you know that I haven’t forgotten about th…

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An important skill to have….. is that of knowing how to figure out who’s posting this article. In other words, a really important skill is that of being able to figure out who’s behind an article. Although this is something we should have learned i…

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Once upon a time……banks and lending institutions really wanted to make a pro-social mark in the landscape. To that end, they commissioned lots of public art, sometimes placing it in civic spaces (parks, city centers, etc.), but most often they enh…

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