Milk…… is an incredibly complex fluid that’s produced by the mammary glands of mammals shortly after pregnancy. It’s an emulsion of butterfat globules in a water-based fluid filled with dissolved carbohydrates, protein aggregates, and minerals. Mi…

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So.. was it a real plant! The book I was reading told me this plant existed in Ancient Rome, and was so valuable that it was depicted on ancient coins as an emblem of wealth. Strangely, It was valuable partly because it was used as both a medicine AND…

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How to see a place in two views… … at the same time? That’s really the essence of this Challenge. My goal is to allow for easy comparisons between an A and B version of photographs taken from the same place. To do this, I’ve given you two images…

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Sometimes… … you just want to see your search results sorted by date. How can you do this? Turns out it’s not hard, just slightly obscure. Here’s a simple way to do it… First, do your search, then limit by time, THEN you can sort the results by …

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We see things all the time… .. you often just don’t notice. This is part of the complexity of this Challenge–you see these visual effects often, but we almost never talk about them. If that’s true, HOW do you search for them? Here’s what I did t…

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Hi folks… I’ll be back tomorrow to answer our SRS Challenge from last week. (I forgot that I’d be speaking at a conference today, so today is full of preparations for that talk.) It’s not all work, work, work though. The conference is on a lovely …

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