The naming of parts… … can be tricky, but figuring out WHAT the parts of different things are called is an important SearchResearch skill.  Let’s jump right into it (especially since this post is a couple of days late–see at the end…

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And we remember… sometimes with help… If you’re like me, you probably constantly re-searching for things you only vaguely remember.  A few years ago, my friend Jamie Teevan of Microsoft Research did a study about how often people try to r…

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Hate 404 errors? If you do active online research (which is pretty much the whole point of SearchResearch), you fairly often run into web pages that are 404. When this happens, it means that the link you’re trying to follow leads to a page that is missing. It might have been removed by the author, or just moved elsewhere. In any case, the link you’ve got doesn’t work any more.

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What’s “normal” changes with time.   Despite our sense that something as personal as what food you eat is permanent, in fact, our collective tastes have changed significantly over time.  I’m not even talking about national preferences (d…

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The key is asking good questions. But you knew that.  This week, we tried to figure out what’s going on with a couple of  decontextualized images.  In this case, these were pictures that I’d taken and recently re-found.&nb…

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You might have noticed… … that the Image search now has a set of colored rectangles just below the query area.  Here’s an example with a simple query.  See those rectangles?  They’re called “chips,” and they modify the image que…

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