Getting your SearchResearch posts by email… IF you want to get these SearchResearch posts by email (rather than by checking in every few days), here’s how to do this.   (1) Log in with your email account ( …or…

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What’s the original / natural range?   The basic question from last week’s Challenge was “What was the original or natural range of these three animals?”  (Lion, Ground Sloth, Camel)  It’s a natural enough question, but the ans…

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I’m almost done! Well… that is, the writing of the first draft is nearly complete.  Only another 2 or 3 thousand words to go.  (That sounds like a lot, but it’s an afternoon’s worth of writing.  The problem is that a lot of those …

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Normally… … we’d have a SearchResearch Challenge this week.  BUT… as you know, I’m working on a book about the SearchResearch experience.  It’s not about SearchResearch per se, but about what we learn here–how to frame questions a…

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This was supposed to be a fun Challenge… … but perhaps it was more complex than I’d thought it would be.   Let’s go through each, one at a time… 1.  When in Switzerland, one naturally eats a lot of chocolate.  (I cer…

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How can we know our world in the face of efforts to undermine traditional sources of information … and in a time when citizens raise serious concerns about what and whom they can trust? That question was explored on May 15, 2018, in a program organized by the Future of Information Alliance at The Phillips Collection as part of the University of Maryland’s partnership with the museum.

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Symbols are SUPPOSED to be easy…  But as we found out this week, if you don’t already know what a symbol means, it’s sometimes difficult to figure it out.   For instance, this symbol means biohazard.    And thi…

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