Trying to find answers is easy… … sometimes.  This week’s Challenge is a great mix of straightforward and complex.  Let’s dive right in. The Challenges were: 1. “Slagbaai” is the name of a large park on Bonaire.  …

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 Searching for a path..  … is almost always a fruitful thing to do.  It’s especially wonderful when you’re exploring, trying to connect different pieces of your world together.  That’s what we’re trying to do with this little…

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 I often find myself asking”What’s THAT?”  A Regular SRS Reader pointed out that this is the 3rd or 4th time we’ve had an SRS Challenge asking “What’s that?”  It’s a fair point–we do get these kinds of posts a lot, but mostly becau…

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 We had lots of comments this week… … which made me happy.  Lots of people checked in to write something (including a few folks who haven’t stopped by the blog in a while)!  As you remember, the Challenge was:   &…

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 Searching slowly isn’t the norm… 1.5 million balloons over ClevelandIn fact, people search engine companies go to a lot of trouble to make sure that searches return results as quickly as possible.  We know (see this paper, for instanc…

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Know how some animals use tools? P/C Cyberminnie at FlickrIn our last episode we saw this pom pom crab as it carries a sea anemone in each of its claws, using them as a defensive tool in the crab-eat-crab world on the coral reef.  T…

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