As noted, I’m on vacation… So here’s a quick summary of how I found the answers to last week’s Challenges. 1. Driving to the North Shore we passed through fields of pineapples. Historically, pineapples (and sugar cane) have been the mainstays of H…

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Things are often not what they seem… Recall this week’s Challenge: We’re trying to understand what’s causing this gap around the plants up in the chaparral on Black Mountain (in the Santa Cruz range). 1. What causes the odd, plant-free gap aroun…

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The biggest surprises… … are sometimes the ones you don’t see at first. They’re the kind of little things that slowly creep into your consciousness and make you wonder… why is it that this is so?? Long-time readers will remember the one of the …

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Finding connections… … is one of those basic skills we have to develop as SearchResearchers. But it’s also something that we encourage in our students, and in critical thinking in general. “Compare and contrast the American Civil War with the Fre…

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Tools adapt to fit the task… … so it’s no surprise that there are some really interesting tools to fit to unusual work tasks. 1. A tool that’s been used by stained glass workers since medieval times is a fid. What IS a fid? And how would you u…

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The world is full of fascinating tools… … and I love to find out what they are and what they’re used for. So, for this week, here are a few Challenges about some really odd, interesting, and unusual tools. 1. A tool that’s been used by stained g…

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A photo can have lots of information in (and around) it, if only you seek beyond the surface… In last week’s Challenge I asked “where’s the ship in this pic?” and for some information about it. A mystery at a beach in an undisclosed location. If yo…

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