Searching by image… What plant is this? Can search-by-image help?… is a fundamental skill for SearchResearchers.  You should know how to use regular Google Search-by-Image (see this for a refresher), and you should know how to use G…

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Search by image… … has always been an incredibly useful thing to be able to do.  Google has had a “Search by Image” function for quite a while.  (Since 2011.)  We discussed it first in SearchResearch in 2018, and we talked about…

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 I got curious… … so I did a little follow-up research. Although I had a PDF of The Book of St. Albans, I somehow could not find the terms of venery in the file.  And that bothered me.  As Isaac Asimov said, “the most …

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Murder, charm, pod, stand…From (free images!) … they’re all supposed to be names for groups of animals.  But are they, really?  Or are they simply made up by someone as a kind of joke?  Such questions …

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 A small celebration is in order…… in total, SRS has, to date …  … this week, SearchResearch passed 4 million reads since its inception in January of 2010.  I know some number of those reads are by bots, but I suspect t…

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Another lesson… As we’ve discussed before, in general, if you just ASK people nicely, they’ll often point you to what you seek.  We’ve seen this before in getting copies of papers and articles that are behind paywalls, and in getting prepri…

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