SearchReSearch Now Available on the FIA Website!
SearchReSearch is a search blog written by FIA’s Future-ist in Residence Dan Russell. Check out the weekly search challenges and learn how to become an expert searcher.
SearchReSearch is a search blog written by FIA’s Future-ist in Residence Dan Russell. Check out the weekly search challenges and learn how to become an expert searcher.
The Greeks voted no… … on the July 5, 2015 referendum about whether to accept (or reject) the austerity conditions for continued fiscal support from EU to Greece. This led Regular Reader Miguel to pose the following question as this week’s Challen…
Do you know any middle school or high school students interested in advising the Newseum? The Newseum is accepting applications for their 2015-2016 Student Advisory Team. Applications are due by September 14, 2015.
This is our mission… To figure out the story lurking behind the star window at the main entrance to the old Spanish Mission at Carmel. Here’s a picture to get you started… I was wondering about that prominent star-shaped window over the arched do…
Sometime you wonder… What’s the story behind this beautiful thing? I was recently down in Carmel, visiting the old Spanish Mission there. It really is a beautiful place–the courtyard is full of flowers and thousands of hummingbirds. It’s the kind …
This was fun, but then again, sharks are always interesting… Here’s that picture again… The Challenges are: 1. What kind of shark is right in front of me? Am I crazy? Should I be worried about this apex predator? By the way, please don’t tell m…
The third Open Government National Action Plan (NAP) will be published later this year, and they need your input!
I hope you saw the recent announcement about the newest Streetview images. A few crazy people climbed El Capitan… WITH all of the gear for taking Photospheres (Google’s 360 spherical zoomable/pannable images). Here’s the YouTube announcement: I tho…
Once in a while I go diving… … being a curious sort of fellow, I sometimes find fairly remarkable things. And being a SearchResearcher, I wonder about these things I find. Not long ago a friend of mine took this photo of me on a dive, hanging ont…
There’s a tradeoff between making… the search challenges easy (but interesting), and difficult (but challenging/fun in a different way). Luckily, everyone seemed to enjoy this Challenge. There certainly was a bunch of discussion about it! The Chall…
While traveling last week, I took a picture of a lovely fountain that I happened to find while on a run somewhere on the east coast of the US. As I ran around it, this struck me as being very similar to other sculptural works I’d seen. So I checke…
Well THAT was interesting! WHEN I wrote the “Art History” Challenge, I didn’t think it would be quite so interestingly complex. As I was writing, I thought maybe it would take a few minutes to resolve, and it would be one of the easier / more-fun Chall…
The National Digital Stewardship Residency (NDSR) welcomed the 2015-2016 cohort of residents at an opening conference on June 10, 2015 at the Library of Congress.
I was in Philadelphia recently… and had the chance to visit the truly wonderful Barnes Foundation collection while there. For many years, it was kept in semi-seclusion in a distant Philadelphia suburb that took some planning to go visit. Just a few …
A recent study by Economics Professors Melissa Kearney, University of Maryland, and Phillip Levine, Wellesley College, used television reception data and Census data to show that Sesame Street improved school readiness.