How is this like that? .Seems to me that noticing how ideas, people, places, and words all link together is a fundamental to creative thought.  Last week’s Challenge was an example of this kind of connective thinking, one that…

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  We live in a multi-media world…   So why shouldn’t search engines work on audio files as well?  This question originally came up for me when I was looking for a particular episode of RadioLab.  This is a wonderful…

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 This flower has changed names… P/C Daniel M. Russell (2022).. which is fairly common thing to do.  People generally call this a shooting star, although I’ve always known this particular flower as Dodecatheon hendersonii…

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 This was a curious question… The tide comes in near Gualala, California.  P/C Dan…. which is my very favorite kind of question. This Challenge really started from a chance observation (“the times of the tides are different here…

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 All I wanted was a full-view version of Audubon’s masterpiece, The Birds of America… A page from Audubon’s “Birds of America”… but I was having a hard time findingi it.  But with a little help from my friends on the Books team, I le…

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