What’s the original / natural range?   The basic question from last week’s Challenge was “What was the original or natural range of these three animals?”  (Lion, Ground Sloth, Camel)  It’s a natural enough question, but the ans…

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I’m almost done! Well… that is, the writing of the first draft is nearly complete.  Only another 2 or 3 thousand words to go.  (That sounds like a lot, but it’s an afternoon’s worth of writing.  The problem is that a lot of those …

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Normally… … we’d have a SearchResearch Challenge this week.  BUT… as you know, I’m working on a book about the SearchResearch experience.  It’s not about SearchResearch per se, but about what we learn here–how to frame questions a…

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This was supposed to be a fun Challenge… … but perhaps it was more complex than I’d thought it would be.   Let’s go through each, one at a time… 1.  When in Switzerland, one naturally eats a lot of chocolate.  (I cer…

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Symbols are SUPPOSED to be easy…  But as we found out this week, if you don’t already know what a symbol means, it’s sometimes difficult to figure it out.   For instance, this symbol means biohazard.    And thi…

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The naming of parts… … can be tricky, but figuring out WHAT the parts of different things are called is an important SearchResearch skill.  Let’s jump right into it (especially since this post is a couple of days late–see at the end…

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