I hope you saw the recent announcement about the newest Streetview images. A few crazy people climbed El Capitan… WITH all of the gear for taking Photospheres (Google’s 360 spherical zoomable/pannable images).
Here’s the YouTube announcement:
I thought I’d point it out to you if you didn’t see it, and show you the one weird trick you need to know to find more Photosphere and panorama images.
If you do a search for El Capitan in Yosemite National Park, you’ll find this.
As you know, you can click on the yellow Pegman icon to highlight all of the places in the map that are “Streetview-able” — they get highlighted in blue. And it also shows up as a bunch of blue dots on the map.
Pro tip: If you’re NOT zoomed in close enough, then the blue dots of Photospheres and panoramas won’t show up on the map. Give it a try, and if you don’t see them, zoom in a bit and click the Pegman again.
Once you do this, you’ll be able to click on a Photosphere and share in the experience of the climb with Lynn Hill (the woman pictured below).
It really is a great set of classic high wall images. That you can zoom and pan around along the route of the climb is really marvelous. Check it out!
(Perhaps this isn’t the photoshow for your acrophobic brother…)