Screenshot of Today’s Front Pages on the Newseum website, June 8, 2015
For the first time in their history, the Newseum, a FIA partner, is blacking out the front pages of the newspapers they display — both on-line and at the museum — to bring awareness to the increased threat to journalists around the world:
Today’s Front Pages might look different to you this morning. For this first time in our history on Pennsylvania Avenue, no newspapers are displayed in our exhibit inside and outside the Newseum or online. Instead, we’re displaying blacked-out front pages as part of a campaign to raise awareness of the increasing threats to journalists around the world.
Source: Newseum’s Today’s Front Pages Exhibit Goes Dark, June 8, 2015
Just imagine what a world without journalists would be like. The Newseum invites you to share why the news is important to you using the hashtag #WithoutNews.