Visually, the world is full of unknowns…And this week we took on the Challenge of figuring out how to identify logos.  Recently, SRS Regular Reader Jacob sent me this wonderful holiday card he received that was made up entirely of log…

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 I bet you’re wondering what happened.  Me too.  This took a LOT longer than expected… When I started, I wasn’t sure if this would be easy or difficult…It’s not obvious where you’d begin searching for this information.&nbsp…

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So…. … where DOES the trash go??? I was writing up my solution about the trash / recycling question.  I’d read lots of documents, tons of tales, reads of city reports, and was just about to hit publish.But then I paused.  I…

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As you know… I have a book coming out in late spring, and I need my crack SRS team-wisdom about the best possible subtitle. My book “The Joy of Finding Out,” is 20 stories (mostly inspired by this blog!) about how to do smart, effective, ac…

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