Ira Chinoy, FIA co-director and associate professor, Philip Merrill College of Journalism, University of Maryland. URL of this page:; Please send suggested new links (and dead links) to: Contributors are noted in the last section. Last updated 1-8-2018.
Daily developments
The Poynter Institute – Media news
Jim Romenesko –
Daily Briefing –, Pew Research Center
Nieman Lab – Nieman Foundation, Harvard University
Need to Know newsletter– American Press Institute
Columbia Journalism Review
Fishbowl – Adweek
Writers on evolving journalism
MediaShift, Public Broadcasting Service
David Folkenflik, National Public Radio
BuzzMachine, Jeff Jarvis
re/code: search results for posts on “ journalism”
Resources and Reference for UMD
UMD students, faculty and staff must log in for restricted resources
Database Finder, UMD Libraries
Google Scholar
Special access: Reaching Google Scholar via Database Finder links to restricted (subscription-only) content as well as public content
Credo Reference (business, industry, issues)
Media-related resources include the Encyclopedia of Journalism
VBIC: Virtual Business Information Center
(reports, topics, industries, businesses, databases)
IBIS World (business, industry, issues).
Mintel (analyses of market sizes, trends, segmentation, consumers, etc.)
Select “Media & Advertising” in the Category Overview.
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Dow Jones Factiva (business, industry, issues)
Nexis Uni (news stories)
JSTOR (scholarly)
Academic Search Ultimate(scholarly)
Communication & Mass Media Complete (scholarly)
America: History & Life (scholarly)
Dissertations & Theses: Global (scholarly)
Ethnic Newswatch (bilingual [English/Spanish] news stories)
World News Connection (Translations from non-US media sources)
NOTE: Nov. 1995 through Dec. 2013
Resources and references on the Web
Encyclo – An encyclopedia of the future of news, from the Nieman Journalism Lab.
Full-text book search
Google Books
Amazon (use the “search inside” feature where available)
Online books
The Internet Archive (includes text, moving images, audio)
Project Gutenberg
The Online Books Page (University of Pennsylvania)
Newspaper Association of America
Research and Tools
Online News Association
American Press Institute
Labs, think tanks and events
Nieman Journalism Lab
Encyclo, an encyclopedia of the future of news
Posts on business models for journalism
Posts on advertising
The Poynter Institute
American Press Institute
reports, topics, metrics and daily newsletter
PBS MediaShift Idea Lab
Research Pew Center for the Project for Excellence in Journalism
Trends and Numbers, Newspaper Association of America
Nielsen Media Research
The Green Book: Marketing research services
Resources for the study of journalism history: Ira Chinoy, UMD
Resources on the web and links for UMD students, faculty and staff, including:
Historical Newspapers (ProQuest)
America’s Historical Newspapers (Readex)
Databases of historical American periodicals (ProQuest)
The Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine: Useful for finding content from earlier ventures in online journalism that are defunct.
New Media Timeline, 1969-2010, The Poynter Institute
200 Moments that Transformed Journalism, 2000-2009, Poynter
Journalism History Bibliography, Poynter
History of American Journalism, 20th Century by decade, University of Kansas.
C-SPAN Video Library
FedFlix: Films created by the U.S. government over 70-plus years
Issues and forecasts
Predictions for Journalism 2019, Nieman Lab: Dozens of posts by what Nieman calls “some of the smartest people we know.
State of the News Media, Pew Research Center
“Newsonomics: 18 Lessons for the News Business 2018 – Ken Doctor, Nieman Lab, 2018
Earlier commentary, studies, reports and journal articles
“Future of News” debate
“Confidence Game: The limited vision of the news gurus,” Dean Starkman, Columbia Journalism Review, November/December, 2011.
“Debating Starkman’s “Confidence Game” — Rounding up responses,” Alysia Santo, Columbia Journalism Review, Nov. 14, 2011.
“The Hole In FON Theory: Continuing the discussion about the future of news with Clay Shirky,” Dean Starkman replies:Columbia Journalism Review, Dec. 21, 2011.
“ ‘Actually Existing’ Citizen Journalism Projects and Typologies,” Parts I & Part 2., C.W. Anderson, Unpacking My Library [website], July 31 and Aug. 1, 2006.
“The future of news in 4 dimensions: Charting new kinds of news orgs,” C. W. Anderson, Nieman Journalism Lab, Sept. 1, 2009.
“The future of news in 4 dimensions: How real news orgs fit in the model,” C.W. Anderson, Nieman Journalism Lab, Sept. 1, 2009..
Newsroom reorganization
“In Seattle Times’ new digital-first newsroom, roles change to ‘creation, curation, community,’” Jeff Sonderman,, Sept. 22, 2011.
Tablets and news
“The Tablet Revolution and What it Means for the Future of News,” Project for Excellence in Journalism, Pew Research Center, Oct. 25, 2011.
Paying for content online
The paidContent 50: The Most Successful Digital Media Companies In The U.S., Gigaom, Jan. 31, 2011.
“News startup expects 10 pct of Web readers to pay,” by Michael Liedtke, The Associated Press, June 24, 2009
“Want to read all about it online? It may cost you,” by Michael Liedtke, Associated Press, Sept. 29, 2009.
“2012 will bring the appification of media,” Nicholas Carr, Nieman Journalism Lab, Dec. 19, 2011.
Digital news readers
“Circulation Boost? Newspapers explore delivery via electronic reader,” Will Skowronski, American Journalism Review, June/July, 2009
“How the Next Kindle Could Save the Newspaper Business,” by Marion Maneker, Wired, May 6, 2009
“The New York Times envisions version 2.0 of the newspaper,” by Zachary M. Seward, Nieman Journalism Lab, May 11, 2009.
“CrunchPad Almost Ready for Prime Time,” Ian Paul, PC World, Jun 4, 2009.
“CrunchPad: The Launch Prototype,” Michael Arrington, TechCrunch, June 3, 2009
Digital advertising
“An Inside View: How & Why Digital Advertising Stalled,” Rick Edmonds, Biz Blog, The Poynter Institute, May 21, 2009.
“In the Times R&D Lab, the future of news is the future of advertising,” by Zachary M. Seward, Nieman Journalism Lab, May 15, 2009.
News aggregation
Jeffrey D. Neuburger, “A Brief History of AP’s Battles with News Aggregators,” MediaShift, Public Broadcasting Service, May 26, 2009. Other developments:
“AP and News Corp: Facebook, YouTube, Google Are Exploiting Us,” Mashable. Oct. 2009.
“Google News stops hosting AP stories,” CNNMoney, Jan. 11, 2010.
“AP Stories Reappear on Google News,” Wall Street Journal Online, Feb. 9. 2010
Nonprofit journalism
“Non-profit Groups Financing Independent Journalism,” PBS News Hour, June 24, 2008.
Project: Report 2010: YouTube and the Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting
Journalism schools as news producers:
Capital News Service, Philip Merrill College of Journalism, University of Maryland: “Since its inception in 1990, Capital News Service’s student reporters have routinely broken news out of the Annapolis and Washington bureaus and have often had their work recognized for awards.”
News21: A Carnegie-Knight funded initiative lead by 12 journalism schools.
“J-Schools Shift from Learning Labs to Major Media Players,” Geneva Overholser, MediaShift,Dec. 9, 2010.
“Rethinking j-school,” Nieman Lab, 2011.
“The Challenges of Student-Run Journalism Ventures,” Mark Berkey-Gerard,Campfire Journalism: Notes on Interactive Storytelling, Jan. 19, 2011.
News media collaboration
“A.P. in Deal to Deliver Nonprofits’ Journalism,” New York Times, June 13, 2009.
The “DocumentCloud” project: “Knight News Challenge: A grant to DocumentCloud promises a data boost for investigative journalism,” by Zachary M. Seward, NiemanJournalismLab, June 17, 2009.
“ProPublica and NYT seek $1M to put everyone’s documents online,” by Zachary M. Seward, NiemanJournalismLab, Nov. 2, 2008.
Computer-assisted reporting and the Web
“The golden age of computer-assisted reporting is at hand,” Mathew Ingram, Nieman Reports, May 20, 2009.
Citizen journalism
SourceWatch list
Center for Citizen Media
The Reporters Center on YouTube – “a resource for anyone who wants to report the news.”
“Your Guide to Citizen Journalism,” MediaShift, PBS, 2006
“The 11 Layers of Citizen Journalism,” Poynter, 2005
“Grassroots journalism: Actual content vs. shining ideal,” Knight Digital Media Center, 2005
Guerrilla journalism
“Welcome to a dying industry, journalism grads,” Barbara Ehrenreich, commencement address, UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism, May 16, 2009
Business and audience trends
“Newspapers Face a Challenging Calculus;Online Growth, but Print Losses are Bigger,” The Pew Research Center for People & The Press, February 26, 2009.
Newspaper circulation trends, 1940-2009, Newspaper Association of America –
Business models
“Seven-Nation Study Identifies What People Will Pay for Online News,” Bill Mitchell, The Poynter Institute, May 29, 2009.
“The Road Ahead for Media Hybrids,” a report of the Duke Nonprofit Media Conference, May 4-5, 2009.
Information and democracy
“Informing Communities: Sustaining Democracy in the Digital Age,” Knight Commission on the Information Needs of Communities in a Democracy, October 2009.
The changing newsroom
“Inside five newsrooms that H.L. Mencken wouldn’t recognize,” Zachary M. Seward, Nieman Journalism Lab, May 22, 2009
“Internet Overtakes Newspapers As News Outlet,” The Pew Research Center for People & The Press, Dec. 23, 2008.
Media use
2008 news media consumption survey: “Key News Audiences Now Blend Online and Traditional Sources Audience Segments in a Changing News Environment,” The Pew Research Center for People & The Press, Aug. 17, 2008.
State of the Blogosphere — Technorati (reports for 2004 to 2010)
“TV News Viewership Declines; Fall Off Greater for Young Adults and Computer,” The Pew Research Center for People & The Press, May 13, 1996
“News War: A Special Four-Part Investigation Into the Future of News,” Frontline, PBS, Feb. 13, 2007
Leaving Readers Behind: The Age of Corporate Newspapering, Gene Roberts, Thomas Kunkel, Charles Layton, eds.
Breach of Faith: A Crisis of Coverage in the Age of Corporate Newspapering, Gene Roberts and Thomas Kunkel, eds.
The Vanishing Newspaper: Saving Journalism in the Information Age, Philip Meyer
Digitizing the News: Innovation in Online Newspapers, Pablo Boczkowski
The fate of newspapers and newspaper journalists
“Cities Without Newspapers,” Rachel Smolkin, American Journalism Review, June/July 2009.
MediaJobsDaily –
Newspaper Death Watch – list of recently deceased newspapers
“Checking in with the Newport Daily News: Two years after a digital paywall, print is still king,” Andrew Phelps, Nieman Journalism Lab, May 27, 2011.
“Google CEO Eric Schmidt on Newspapers & Journalism,” Danny Sullivan, Search Engine Land, Oct. 3, 2009.
“Not Dead Yet; Despite the gloomy news about newspapers, many smaller dailies still make money,” John Morton, American Journalism Review, June/July, 2009.
“Keeping ‘the hope’ alive on Fountain Street” (about the Providence Journal), David Scharfenberg, The Boston Phoenix, May 6, 2009.
“Microsoft’s Ballmer on Yahoo and the Future,” by Peter Whoriskey, The Washington Post, June 5, 2008, p. D1.
“Microsoft’s Steve Ballmer: Traditional media will not bounce back,” Mark Sweney,, June 24, 2009.
“Time Inc. CEO Ann Moore: Let’s Put the Digital ‘Genie Back In the Bottle’” — Peter Kafka, MediaMemo, June 16, 2009.
“Newspaper Online vs. Print Ad Revenue: The 10% Problem,” Scott Karp, Publishing 2.0, July 17, 2007.
For recent contributions to this page, thanks to:
Maggie Saponaro, UMD Libraries