1. You’re driving a rental car and driving into the gas station. How can you tell (without getting out of the car) on which side the gas cap is on? Is it on the left or the right? (It’s really annoying to have to get out of the car, walk around, and discover it.)
2. What was the original design for Mount Rushmore? Was it what we see today? How different is the original design?
3. How do you know which is the “right” side of a towel? (Yes, there’s a right side and a wrong side. Have you been doing it wrong all these years?)
4. People keep saying things, but I don’t know what they mean! What does “one fell swoop mean”?
5. While we’re on this topic, what does “heavens to murgatroyd” mean? And who says this anyway?
6. In the story of David and Goliath, David kills the giant with a single stone from his sling. Is this really possible? What kind of a slingshot could do that?
Search Challenge (1/27/16): Questions you should know the answer to…
A few questions to keep you searching for a bit…
… questions that seem straightforward enough, but ones to which you might not know the answers.
These are especially difficult research questions (we’ll have more of those soon enough), but they’re examples of things that we see, hear-about, or come-across every day, and yet we don’t really know quite what’s going on here. This is one of the great features of having a search-engine on your phone–you can just ask and find out the answers quickly.
Search on!